Monday, August 29, 2011

Reminder and reposting, Complacency on the Path, 1st meeting 9/1/11

Complacency on the Path

Three Evenings of Exploration

September 1st, 15th & 29th 7:30 p.m.

Zawiyya al Mu'min

1000 Urlin Ave. Apt.1507

Don't let your special character and values, the secret that you know and no one else does, the truth - don't let that get swallowed up by the great chewing complacency.

- Aesop

Without the company of a friend, how are we to know when we have paused in our journey and fallen back into slumber?

It is possible to make Sufism a pastime, one interest among others, but that does not make one a dervish. It is fine to read widely and become acquainted with various traditions, but to be a Sufi is much more than to have a preference for reading Sufi books or listening to Sufi music.

A dervish (literally, threshold) is one who has made Truth his or her master desire and is willing to submit all other desires and aims before this aim. The price is one's whole life, a total commitment of one's life energies.

People will dedicate the whole of their lives to becoming an accomplished musician or a professional athlete. In doing so they will have to organize the whole of their lives around this one master desire. It is no less in the pursuit of Truth.

“Make God a Reality and He will make you the Truth.” - Hazrat Inayat Khan

We are challenged to surpass our timidity, our fears and our comfortable complacency.

“Come into this fire, it will not burn you.” - Mevlana

Please join us in this exploration.

Evenings facilitated by Jim Turner, Ontological Research Society.

call Hilal at 614-446-3337 or e-mail her at with questions about location

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