Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Zikr Schedule for November & December 2007

When you plant a tree
every leaf that grows will tell you,
what you sow will bear fruit.
So if you have any sense, my friend
don't plant anything but love,
you show your worth by what you seek.
Water flows to those who want purity
wash your hands of all desires and
come to the table of Love.
Do you want me to tell you a secret?
The flowers attract the most beautiful lover
with their sweet smile and scent.
If you let God weave the verse in your poem
people will read it forever.

-- Translation by Azima Melita Kolin
and Maryam Mafi
"Rumi: Hidden Music"
HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2001
My friends, don't plant anything but Love, come to the table of Love
Potluck meal 6:00, Zikr Allah about 7:30, dessert to follow.
November 2 and December 28 at Zawiyya al Mu'min, 1000 Urlin Ave., apartment 1507, Grandview. Tell the door person downstairs that you want my apartment - if they want a name tell them you want to see Jane Smirniotopoulos, the apartment phone is 488-3337.The door will be unlocked so just come in and welcome!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Fraternity of Light Retreat

Healing Body, Heart, and Soul

One way of healing is working with energy, and the other is through self realization. This must
be an experience rather than just my words. We must feel the forces that move the galaxies –
and eventually the sap in the trees – a kind of cosmic power, which the Sufis call the Divine
power. --Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Date: October 19 -21, 2007

Time: Arrive 5:30 PM Friday and end 1:00 PM Sunday after lunch
Place: Shaw Lodge, Camp Asbury in Hiram, Ohio.

Cost: $ 125.00 (includes all meals)* if registered by October 9, 2007.
cost is $145 after October 9. *price includes breakfast Saturday through lunch on Sunday.

To register, contact Barb Rashida Williams by phone or email at: (330) 677-5415
or e-mail: heart1@sbcglobal.net

**Please RSVP by October 9 so we know how to plan meals and to receive the early registration discount**

Fraternity of Light members receive an additional 10% discount

Autumn is a time of when all of nature comes into its fullest expression bringing forth the inherent richness of Life. If we make a retreat in autumn it facilitates this same expression within ourselves and our lives. --Moinuddin

…About the Healing Body, Mind, and Soul Retreat
As you relax in the peace and beauty of Nature, the Healing Body, Mind, and Soul Retreat will offer a
variety of healing perspectives and experiences; it will create sacred space to explore those aspects of healing most relevant to you at this point in your life.

During our time together, there will be opportunities to explore healing from both a deeply inner and personal level, as well as from a planetary and universal perspective. Throughout the weekend we willspend time in silence, yet also share, laugh, and enjoy one another in community.

Each person will be able to experience the retreat at his/her own pace.

*A Retreat allows us a pause in which we may step out of our normal mode of living in order to reflect upon our lives and gain more clarity, and ultimately become more aware of what our real objective is in life. A retreat is an opportunity for a lot of reflection, a time to explore those skills which will open upf aculties that we are not using and insights of which we are not aware. It is an opportunity to unleash the spiritual power that will enable us to fulfill the purpose of our lives.–Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan.

This retreat will be guided by a number of highly experienced individuals, each with over 20 years experience in healing, meditation, and the retreat process.

All are welcome!