Monday, January 9, 2012

Physicians of the Heart with Imam Bilal Hyde

(Columbus Sufi Circle, please see note from me at bottom of post)

Healing with the Beautiful Names of Allah
with Imam Bilal Hyde
Sat. Jan 21 and Sun. Jan. 22
10:30 AM to 1 PM
(plan to arrive 10 minutes early)
Albany, CA

The Beautiful Names of Allah are a pharmacopeia for healing on all levels. Each Divine Name needs to be recognized as a doorway to the Healing Presence, the ultimate goal, the Source. Through the specific Names we gain access to healing for specific maladies. These Names come from a Quranic source, with a context. Each Name can be applied in a variety of ways, not just repeated a set number of times. This approach to working with the Beautiful Names of Allah will look at at how they can provide healing to conditions of dis-ease, such as irrational fear, anger and rage, family dysfunction and lack of compassion, being overly judgmental and critical of self and others, inability to forgive oneself and others, selfishness and greed, lust and sex addiction, other forms of addiction, inability to form intimate relationships, depression and grief, and desperation. This workshop will address specific Names and applications for different ailments, though being guided to more personalized application of the Names is recommended.

Imam Bilal Hyde is one of the authors of Physicians of the Heart, an expert on the etymology of the Names and the grammatical implication of their structure. He has been teaching students in the U.S. for over 30 years, after studying and living in the Sudan and Mecca. In the Sudan he learned many alternative methods of "applying" the Names. As an American-born Muslim, now an Imam, and a student of Sufism, now a murshid, he has developed a deep rapport with a wide range of students. He is able to make complex materials accessible and understandable to Western students, with a wonderful sense of humor.

No previous classes are required. Sliding scale for the two-morning workshop is $100 to $150. Preregistration and prepayment are appreciated. Email (preferred) or call for more information, the address, and to register: Subhana Ansari,, 510-283-5133, cell: 831-428-2724. Some partial scholarships may be available. Donations toward a scholarship fund gratefully accepted. *Please make arrangements soon if you are interested in remote attendance through speaker-phone.*

(Note to Columbus Sufi Circle, I will not be able to listen in real time on Saturday (I'll listen to recorded meeting), 1/21 but I will be listening on Sunday if anyone would like to join me. Subhana has also said you can give me checks to mail to her but you should arrange with her how much to pay and how to access the phone meeting. I am happy to answer questions if I can - call me at 614-446-3337 or email at

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