Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Zikr allah, 4th Saturday, 6/26, Zawiyya al Mu'min, 7:30 pm

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Think of the phoenix coming up out of ashes,
but not flying off.
For a moment we have form.
We can't see.
How can we be conscious and you be conscious
at the same time and separate?
Copper when an alchemist works on it loses its copper
qualities. Seeds in Spring
begin to be trees, no longer seed. Brushwood
put in the fire changes. The snow-world melts.
You step in my footprint and it's gone.

It's not that I've done anything to deserve
this attention from you. Predestination
and freewill: We can argue them,
but they're only ideas. What's real
is a presence, like Shams.

-- Version by Coleman Barks
"Open Secret"
Threshold Books, 1984

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What's real is a presence
How can we be conscious and you be conscious
at the same time and separate?

Please join the Columbus Sufi Circle
as we celebrate consciousness and presence
in song, in poems, in melting snow.

1000 Urlin Ave., Apt. 1507
Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212
Zikr at7:30 pm until 9 or so
followed by sweets and sohbet

For directions or more information e-mail
or call Hilal at 614-446-3337

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