Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dances this friday at Maynard Avenue United Methodist

This Friday night is one of the monthly neighborhood potlucks at Maynard Avenue UMC. Rev. Patty Wagner has invited us to bring some Dances of Universal Peace for their February program. Aatoon will join with me in leading just a few Dances there.

The “Intentional Community” group of Simply Living (I am told) is actually the core group from the neighborhood at the monthly potlucks --- where up to 50 folks can gather. It is a multigenerational group. And while some of the church members may find the Dances a stretch, Patty is interested in challenging them. She’s very excited about our coming.

If anyone is interested in coming to support the Dance circle as advanced/experienced dancers and/or as musicians, please feel free. You can bring a dish and come at 6:00 for the meal (it is advertised as 5:30 start time but she says the meal really never begins till 6:00) or you can simply come at 7:00 for the dance circle.

Please feel free to forward this email.

Much love to all,


Rev. Elizabeth A. (Munira) Reed, Ph.D.

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