Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What a blessing! Zikr Allah; June 25, 2016, 7:30 pm, Zawiyya al Mu'min



    Don’t hide – the sight of your face is a blessing.
    Wherever you place your foot,
    there rests a blessing.
    Even your shadow,
    passing over me like a swift bird,
    is a blessing.

    The great Spring has come.
    Your sweet air,
    blowing through the city, the country,
    the gardens, and the desert
    is a blessing.

    He has come with love to our door;
    His knock is a blessing.

    We go from house to house, asking of him.
    Any answer is a blessing.

    Caught in this body,
    we look for a sight of the soul.
    Remember what the Prophet said:
    "One sight is a blessing."

    The leaf of every tree brings a message
    from the Unseen world.
    Look! Every falling leaf is a blessing.

    All of Nature swings in unison –
    singing without tongues,
    listening without ears.
    What a blessing!

    O soul, the four elements are your face –
    Water, wind, fire, and earth –
    Each one is a blessing.

    Once the seed of faith takes root
    it cannot be blown away,
    even by the strongest wind –
    Now that’s a blessing!

    I bow to you,
    for the dust of your feet
    is the crown on my head.
    As I walk toward you,
    every step I take is a blessing.

    His form appeared before me, just now,
    as I was singing this poem. I swear.
    What a blessing!
    What a blessing!

    Every vision born of earth is fleeting;
    Every vision born of heaven is a blessing.

    For people, the sight of Spring warms their hearts;
    For fish, the rhythm of the ocean
    is a blessing.
    The brilliant Sun
    that shines in every heart –
    for the heavens, earth, and all creatures –
    What a blessing!

    The heart can’t wait to speak of this ecstasy.
    The soul is kissing the earth saying,
    O God, what a blessing!

    Fill me with the wine of your silence.
    Let it soak my every pore
    For the inner splendor it reveals
    is a blessing,
    is a blessing.

    -- Ghazal (Ode) 451
    Version by Jonathan Star
    "A Garden Beyond Paradise: The Mystical Poetry of Rumi"
    Bantam Books, 1992


Please join the Columbus Sufi Circle
Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 7:30 pm
1000 Urlin Ave. Apt 1809
Zikr Allah, chanting, singing, shared sweet desserts and sohbet.
The heart can’t wait to speak of this ecstasy.
    The soul is kissing the earth saying,
    O God, what a blessing!

For information contact Hilal at 14-446-3337 or hilal1001@sbcglobal.net

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