Thursday, December 27, 2007

Remember, remember - Potluck dinner and Zikr Allah December 28 at Zawiyya al Mu'min!

Potluck meal beginning at 6, Zikr Allah at 7:30-
no experience expected only love of the Divine Being

every moment
a voice
out of this world
calls on our soul
to wake up and rise
this soul of ours
is like a flame
with more smoke than light
blackening our vision
letting no light through
lessen the smoke and
more light brightens your house
the house you dwell in now
and the abode
you'll eventually move to
now my precious soul
how long are you going to
waste yourself
in this wandering journey
can't you hear the voice
can't you use your swifter wings
and answer the call

-- Translation by Nader Khalili
"Rumi, Fountain of Fire"
Cal-Earth Press, 1994
Use your swifter wings and answer the call, join us for zikr at Zawiyya al Mu'min, 1000 Urlin Ave. Apt. 1507, Grandview Heights OH 43212
Call 488-3337, 446-3337 or e-mail for information or directions.

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